Zirconia Oxygen Sensors

SST Zirconia Oxygen Sensors

SST’s range of Zirconia Oxygen Sensors use a unique closed loop measurement system. While the sensor continuously measures the oxygen level, a heartbeat signal is also generated providing an immediate warning of any failures.

The sensing technology and stainless steel construction allow Zirconia Oxygen Sensors to be used in environments where extreme pressure, temperature and high humidity are present.

SST’s zirconium dioxide oxygen sensors offer a range of housing styles, cabling and electrical connections.

The sensors can be purchased alone or with integrated electronics offering digital or analogue industry standard outputs.  Their long operating life is due to the non-depleting sensor cell technology. No reference gas is required and easy single point calibration can be performed in any known gas including fresh air. The oxygen sensors can measure over a wide oxygen range (0.1 to 100% O₂).

The reliability of these sensors means that they are used globally in applications ranging from composting to fuel tank inerting in civilian airliners.

Product Housing Type Measurement Range Temperature Range Response Time Termination
Flange Mount Zirconia Oxygen Sensors Flange Pinned Flange Mount (Pins) 0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂
Extended: -100 to 400⁰C Fast: < 4s 4 pin
5 pin
Zirconia Oxygen Sensors Flange Wired Flange Mount (Wires) 0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂
Standard: -100 to 250⁰C Fast: < 4s 0.4m with Molex connector
Miniature Oxygen Sensor Miniature Miniature full porous cap
Miniature porous lid cap
0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂
Standard: -100 to 250⁰C Standard: <15s
Fast: <4s
5 pins
PCB Mounted Miniature full porous cap
Miniature porous lid cap
0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂
Standard: -50°C to +50°C Standard: <15s
Fast: <4s
Probe Zirconia Oxygen Sensors Probe 80mm probe
220mm probe
600mm probe
0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂
Standard: -100 to 250⁰C
Extended: -100 to 400⁰C
Standard: <15s
Fast: <4s
0.15m cable
0.3m cable
1.1m cable
screened cable oxygen sensor Probe (Screened Cable) 220mm probe
400mm probe
600mm probe
0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂
Standard: -100°C to +400°C Standard: <15s
Fast: <4s
1.2m cable with flying leads
Screwfit Zirconia Oxygen Sensors Screwfit Nut insertion length:
28mm long
45mm long
55mm long
0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂
Standard: -100 to 250⁰C Fast: < 4s 0.15m cable
0.3m cable
1.1m cable
Product Sensor Compatibility Output Type Supply Voltage Measurement Range
O2I-FLEX Oxygen Sensor Interface Electronics O2I-Flex PCB All zirconia oxygen sensors RS232
4 to 20mA
0 to 10V
24Vdc 0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂
OXY-LC Oxygen Sensor Interface Electronics OXY-LC PCB All zirconia oxygen sensors RS485 (Modbus RTU)
4 to 20mA
0 to 10Vdc
8 to 28Vdc
20 to 28Vdc
0.1 to 25% O₂
0.1 to 100% O₂

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