Wado Kai Central Karate Update
WKC 2019 Season It has been another great year for both the coaches and kids at WKC karate. We really have seen a massive improvement in all our students and truly believe your investment in our club has helped us give more opportunities to our kids. We really cannot thank you all enough for believing... Read more
Family Friendly Working Scotland | Case Study
Growing success Recognising the importance of a happy and healthy workforce is the main driver behind SST Sensing’s approach to developing a flexible working culture. Understanding the needs of employees and how to support them helps nourish relationships on an individual level and also allows this successful business to continue growing. People have a whole range of... Read more
Level Sensor for AdBlue Tank – Liquid Level Switches for AdBlue/Diesel Exhaust Fluid
Level Switches in AdBlue/Diesel Exhaust Fluid 1. Why there is such a demand 2. SCR systems and why they require level detection capabilities 3. AdBlue Level Switches for minimum/low level detection 4. SST optical liquid level switches compared with other AdBlue level switches 5. Benefits of SST's optical liquid level switches 6. Suggested sensor application... Read more
SST Support AquAid to Provide Clean Fresh Drinking Water
We at SST Sensing are aware that keeping our staff members hydrated will aid them to perform at their very best throughout the work day. As a result, we decided to invest in a water cooler from AquAid. Our unique relationship with AquAid has also given our company the opportunity to help those less fortunate than... Read more
Sensor Industry – A Complete A to Z Guide
Recognised as a global leader of advanced gas and fluid sensor technology, SST Sensing Ltd offers a comprehensive range of oxygen measurement sensor solutions. In this article, we are going to explore SST's A to Z guide of the sensor industry, from Boiler Efficiency and Quality Assurance to ppm and UAV's. Full infographic can be... Read more
4 Ways You Will Benefit from Solid State Oxygen Sensors
Solid state oxygen sensors operating on optical technologies have surpassed electro-galvanic fuel cells in virtually every aspect. Electro-galvanic fuel cells once set the benchmark for oxygen sensing technologies. These oxygen sensors operate like a battery using an expendable electrolyte that is reactive with oxygen. However, the accuracy of electro-galvanic oxygen sensors has been repeatedly called... Read more
Optical Oxygen Sensor Compared to Conventional Oxygen Sensors – What are the key benefits and applications?
Recognised as a leading supplier of advanced gas and fluid sensor technology, SST Sensing Ltd offers a comprehensive range of oxygen measurement sensor solutions. Complementing the company’s high-performance Zirconium Dioxide product offering, the LuminOx family uses proprietary solid-state technology to deliver sensors with the cost effectiveness found in legacy electrochemical oxygen sensors, but with a... Read more
4 Factors to Consider when Choosing Between a Point Level Switch or Continuous Level Sensor
When starting your search for a level switch, it is first of all very important to understand the difference between a level switch and a level sensor. There are many different level sensing technologies to choose from on the market today, some of which have been around for decades, operating in industries such as food... Read more
Boiler Efficiency – How to Improve with SST’s Oxygen Gas Sensors
This blog post will show how flue gas sensors can improve boiler efficiency while exploring some of the products available from SST Sensing that are capable of optimizing combustion processes for biomass, coal, natural gas, and oil-burning boiler systems. All combustion processes require the correct air to fuel ratio of fuel and oxygen. Incomplete combustion... Read more
DEFRA introduces Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD)
The Medium Combustion Plant DirectiveEMISSION LIMIT VALUES REFERRED TO IN ARTICLE 6 All emission limit values set out in this Annex are defined at a temperature of 273.15 K, a pressure of 101,3 kPa and after correction for the water vapour content of the waste gases and at a standardised O2 content of 6 %... Read more